
New Republic Tosses a Few Bones<1>

2010-12-30 10:44


The New Republic yesterday posted yet another editorial on the Scott Thomas Beauchamp situation and on its attempts to "re-report" his

anecdotes with further investigation (always a great idea for a "journalistic" outlet that wishes to Windows 7 make life wonderful!

be respected). p>According to the

editors, Beauchamp was discovered by "Elspeth Reeve, a TNR reporter-researcher, whom he later married." What he had to say was believable

because he was a soldier in Iraq and because "conservatives and liberals alike praised" his first Office 2007 Professional bring me so much convenience.

essay. Further: BR>

All of Beauchamp's essays were fact-checked before publication. We checked the plausibility of details with experts, contacted a

corroborating witness, and pressed the author for further details. But publishing a first-person essay from a war zone requires a measure of

faith in the writer. Given what we knew of Beauchamp, personally and professionally, we credited his report. After questions were raised

about the veracity of his essay, TNR extensively re-reported Beauchamp's account.Office 2010 key is for you now!

BR>As to the "Shock Troops" incident? In a nutshell: the story about the disfigured woman was (reportedly) true, but the location was wrong;

rather than taking place at FOB Falcon in Baghdad, it now supposedly "occurred at Camp Office 2010 download is available now!

Buehring, in Kuwait, prior to the unit's arrival in

Iraq." But this error (if it is the only one) is okay, because "Beauchamp acknowledged his error" and "we (TNR) sincerely regret this

mistake." p>

TNR claims to have corroborated the other two incidents; however, if its editorial is to be taken at face value, then its again settled

lazily for something that cast the shadow of truth on Beauchamp's far more detailed narrative, rather than actually (a) investigating

further, or (b) owing up to having published a gross exaggeration. p>Take, for example, the child's skull incident. Said Beauchamp in his Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

essay (emphases added): BR> BLOCKQUOTE>One private, infamous as a joker and troublemaker, found the top part of a human skull, which was

almost perfectly preserved. It even had chunks of hair, which were stiff and matted down with dirt. He squealed as he placed it on his head Office 2007 is so powerful.

like a crown. It was a perfect fit. As he marched around with the skull on his head, people dropped shovels and sandbags, folding in half

with laughter. No one thought to tell him to stop. No one was disgusted . Me included. p> The private wore the skull for the rest of the day

and night. Even on a mission, he put his helmet over the skull . He observed that he was grateful Office 2010 is powerful!

his hair had just been cut--since it would

make it easier to pick out the pieces of rotting flesh that were digging into his head. /BLOCKQUOTE> BR>And here's what TNR managed to find

out: there was indeed a children's burial site (no surprise there; the 1-18 -- Beauchamp's unit -- was known to have found one while building

their combat outpost); beyond that, this is all that it could extract from the "witnesses" who Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

"laughed" at the supposed stunt: BR>

One [soldier] wrote in an e-mail: "I can wholeheartedly verify the finding of the bones; U.S. troops (in my unit) discovered human remains in

the manner described in 'Shock Troopers.' [sic] ... [We] did not report it; there was no need to. The bodies weren't freshly killed and thus visio 2010

the crime hadn't been committed while we were in control of the sector of operations." On the phone, this soldier later told us that he had

witnessed another soldier wearing the skull fragment just as Beauchamp recounted: "It fit like a Microsoft Office is so great!

yarmulke," he said. A forensic

anthropologist confirmed to us that it is possible for tufts of hair to be attached to a long-buried fragment of a human skull, as described outlook 2010 is so great!

in the piece.

Liberalism on a Ledge<1>

2010-12-30 10:41


CHICAGO -- "What did your psychologist tell you?"

Such was the penultimate query of one of the first YearlyKos 2007 panels, "Holding Congress Accountable for a Progressive Agenda." The

question was presented to Firedoglake celebrity blogger Jane Hamsher by a middle-aged woman who explained she was trying to convince Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

disillusioned "progressive activists who are ready to give up" to continue to partner with her local Democratic Party chapter.

Despite the Republicans' recent midterm election reversal of fortune, forlorn talk of Democratic I love Office 2010 !

victors stabbing "the netroots" in the back

has paradoxically replaced the We're going to kick ass from one end of this country to the other! vibe of the 2006 convention. Betrayal? Microsoft Office 2010 is so great!

Participants were only all too happy to count the ways: No immediate Iraq pullout, defections on the hate crimes bill, Congressional staffers

building walls between representatives and bloggers who grew accustomed to easy access during the campaign.

Hence, Hamsher noted one of her site's bloggers -- "a shrink" -- had intervened in the Firedoglake comments thread to (figuratively, I Windows 7 is the best.

presume) talk distraught progressives "off the roof," and thus the request that Hamsher share her professional pal's methods. A few minutes

later, an audience member asked how panel members propose holding representatives accountable "without looking like all we're doing is being

shrill and self-destructive."

"That's our job," Hamsher retorted. "We're supposed to be shrill and self-destructive....We're going Outlook 2010 is powerful.

to stand on principle and hold that line

because if we don't nobody does it."

Ironically, the shrillness of a year ago has mostly been replaced with a general air of ill-defined discontent; the anger with an accounting microsoft visio 2010

of the sorrows of victory. Gore/Obama 08 stickers fly off a table like hotcakes while the exhortations of the guy manning the Richardson for Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

President booth bounce off impervious passersby as if he were a freeway ghost. Hillary's stand was completely abandoned. The virtues of Ned

Lamont's campaign are still being extolled. Faded Dean for America T-shirts are outnumbered only by Impeach Bush Tees.

A popular panel, "Three People Who Helped Change Congress," featured S.R. Siddarth (the intern George Allen called macaca), Mike Stark (the Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.

man roughed up by Allen campaign staffers) and Lane Hudson (the leaker of Mark Foley's naughty emails). It was like the We Couldn't Even

Really Fill Our 15 Minutes of Fame Players. Instead of donating their extra minutes to, say, refugees in Darfur, they're holding tightly onto microsoft project 2010

them. Only Media Matters' "Annoy Fox News" stickers feel more retro.

Is it possible for such a young, victorious movement to already be looking backwards?

NOT SO LONG AGO, progressive bloggers relished their outsider role as "citizen journalists" driven by passion not cash. Yesterday I attended

a workshop entitled, "A Union for Bloggers: It's Time to Organize!" during which a moderator posited, "I think all bloggers, in one way or project 2010

another, view themselves as professionals" and a woman bemoaned the travesty of her and husband's inability to quit their jobs and become

full-time bloggers because the "social safety net is in tatters." In other words, Why won't society foot the bill for her hobby? Better

organize!visio 2010

The Decline of Laughter<2>

2010-12-30 10:37


Even more sinful than the ethnic joke in the eyes of our moral guardians is the old comedy of the sexes. Despite all the ingenious labor of

the feminists, ordinary people notice the very real differences between the sexes, and the veryOffice 2007 key is available here.

great need to accommodate those differences

and to defuse the conflicts to which they might give rise. Humor has been the traditional recourse of humanity in this predicament, as men

jokingly defer to their "better half," and women submit to the edicts of "his nibs." But who now By using Office 2010 Professional, you can save your money and time.

would risk making a joke about sexual

relations or the female temperament in a faculty lounge? You might think that the censorship goes only one way: After all, savage Office 2007 download is on sale now!

denunciations of men, and whole disciplines of pseudo-scholarship devoted to repeating them, are familiar features of academic life in

America. But try making a joke of the masculine defects, and you will be in just the same trouble Microsoft Office 2010 is so great!

as if you had made a joke about the

weaknesses of women. For the feminist the failings of men are no laughing matter. Not surprisingly, therefore, the literature of feminism is Microsoft outlook is great!

devoid of humor -- and advisedly so, for if it ever were to employ this resource it would die laughing at itself.

THERE ARE MANY JOKE-FREE ZONES in our religious literature. The Old Testament is full of them -- think of that appalling Book of Joshua --

and the Koran is as rigidly humorless as any document that has survived the efforts of humanity to laugh it off. But this points to another

area in which humor has become dangerous. Christians, Jews, atheists, and Muslims, living side Acrobat 9

by side in acute consciousness of the

divisions between them, are greatly in need of the religious joke. The Jews, through their experience of the Diaspora, living as strangers

and sojourners among communities that at any moment might turn against them, have long been aware of this. As a result the rabbinical I love Office 2010 !

traditions are full of self-deprecating jokes, which underline the absurd position of God's chosen people, living on the margins of a world

that does not know that that is who they are. Jewish humor is one of the greatest survival mechanisms ever invented -- which has aided not

only its own survival but the survival of Jewish identity, through an unparalleled history of attempts to rub it out.

It seems to me that we stand in need of a repertoire of religious jokes and a bold habit of expressing them. However, many Muslims have an

exaggerated capacity to feel slighted, and there is scarcely a humorous remark to be made about Islam that will not instantly be read as an adobe Acrobat

expression of hostility. Here too the censors are hard at work, depriving humanity of its natural way of defusing conflict, and forcing upon

us all a kind of tiptoeing and apprehensive deference that is in fact far closer to hostility than any robust guffaw. Of course, religion is

a sensitive topic, and the traditional British response, that it should therefore never be mentioned in polite society, is understandable. Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

But in a world of increasingly belligerent affirmations of faith, the British solution is no longer available. Satire of the kind directed at

Tartuffe by Molière is surely what our mullahs deserve. By satirizing them, we come to terms with them; we also distinguish their ludicrous Outlook 2010 is convenient!

self-righteousness from the gentle path of accommodation that ordinary Muslims want and need.

Fred and the First Amendment<1>

2010-12-30 10:34


When last we left off in the battle to pin the McCain-Feingold tail on the donkey (the elephant would be more politically accurate), Fred

Thompson supporters were complaining that their prospective candidate was being put in the same Microsoft outlook is convenient!

category as John McCain -- that of

potentially reviled figures who gave birth to the dreaded campaign finance law.

Among other things, McCain-Feingold is despised by movement conservatives and many conservative activists because of its attempt to ban Outlook 2010 is my love.

"issue ads" -- ads by political interest groups which do not expressly advocate for a particular candidate's election in the period leading

up to federal elections. This portion of the law, at least as applied to a particular Wisconsin Right to Life ad, was recently struck down by Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

the Supreme Court. Thompson supporters noted that in a recent Sean Hannity interview Thompson answered "yes" when asked if would support the

repeal of the issue ad ban.Windows 7 is convenient and helpful!

This raises an interesting issue for Thompson, who signed an August 5, 2003 amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that McCain-adobe Acrobat

Feingold should be upheld. A few others have looked at the brief but it is worth a closer inspection, especially in light of the helpful

hints about the former senator's key role in the bill's passage being circulated by rival campaigns.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

The brief is chocked full of interesting tidbits about Thompson's association with McCain-Feingold (formally known as the Bipartisan Campaign Office 2010 is my favorite.

Reform Act). The brief's introduction reminds us that Thompson "co-sponsored the Senate bill Congress enacted" and that he -- at least he did Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

four years ago -- had "a strong interest in the McCain-Feingold reforms being upheld as constitutional." The introduction continues to Acrobat 9

explain that "Unanticipated loopholes... allowed for 'campaign finance law manipulation and corruption' that needed to be redressed to

restore confidence and integrity in our electoral system."Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!


Fred and the First Amendment<2>

Much of the brief addresses the evils of so-called soft money, but there is plenty to read about the issue ad ban that was such an anathema

to conservative interest groups. Section II of the brief is entitled: "Congress Had a Compelling I love Office 2010 !

Interest in Regulating Use of Soft Money to

Fund Sham 'Issue Ads.'" The brief first addresses "sham issue ads" which the national and state political parties designed, but then Thompson Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

takes aim at "non-party groups" -- Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Reform, and Right to Life would fall here -- which he says "identified

and exploited" previous law to avoid hard money contribution limits but nevertheless influenced elections for federal candidates. His brief Microsoft Office 2010 is so great!

takes to task a conservative group "The Coalition: Americans Working for Real Change" and another outfit named Triad Management Services,

which ran ads to counter-balance the AFL-CIO. Thompson decries the close coordination between these groups' ads and the messages and Windows 7 is the best.

placement of the RNC ads, arguing that these groups were able to dodge the "disclosure and campaign contribution limits of the federal Outlook 2010 is powerful.

election laws."

Thompson's opponents and perhaps some of the conservative interest groups that so vigorously opposed the issue ad ban as an infringement on

core First Amendment speech now may want to know why he has changed his mind on the issue ad ban. He may, if he chooses to take a lawyerly Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

approach, try to draw a distinction between groups his brief discussed (which ran ads closely coordinated with political parties) and groups

later vindicated by the Supreme Court which produced ads such as the Wisconsin Right to Life spot at issue before the Supreme Court. However,

First Amendment advocates are not likely to be satisfied since McCain-Feingold's broad application to all types of political advocacy was Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.

precisely the reason they opposed it so strenuously. It remains an open question why Thompson now agrees with groups like the NRA and Right

to Life, whose concerns he dismissed four years ago, that the issue ad ban should go.microsoft project 2010

When Thompson stops testing and dives into the water he will need to have some ready answers, just as Mitt Romney had to explain his changes

of heart on key issues. When did Thompson realize that the "sham issue ad" ban dangerously chilled First Amendment Rights? Before he started project 2010

mulling a presidential run he did not, as far as we know, indicate any misgivings about the law he authored and its effect on dozens of visio 2010

conservative interest groups. An honest explanation of his reasoning and a clear statement as to whether he supports the rest of the bill

(John McCain has said he does) would go a long way toward an understanding of his evolution on this issue, and perhaps his mindset and values

on other issues as well.microsoft visio 2010

Global Kellogging<2>

2010-12-30 10:32


That retreat was a singularly successful enterprise from its opening when Kellogg was just 24 until his death at age 91. No meat of any kind

was served there; the diet was practically vegan, consisting mostly of grains in various forms. Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

While experimenting with approaches to food

preparation in 1897, they happened upon the surprisingly appetizing flake they patented as Microsoft Office is so great!

"granose." Eventually, they decided the process

worked best with corn and the product was marketed as the corn flake. His brother, Will Keith Kellogg, broke away in 1906 and made a rival

company selling the flakes with added sugar. John Harvey was appalled at this innovation and they never spoke again.Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

The Sanitarium, known affectionately as The San, was a mecca for the rich and idle, complaining of a host of hypochondriac ailments. (Perhaps

he should better have marketed oat flakes: "Oat-i-os for the otiose!") Kellogg started them off with Office 2010 is my love.

a rigid regimen of yogurt consumption,

half via eating, half via enema. Then he put them through all manner of contraption, including the outlook 2010 is great !

vibrating chair, the freezing bath with

radium in the water and different levels of electrical stimulation. If none of that worked to perk you up, the surgeon's knife came out. Over

the years, he performed many operations to remove portions of intestines.Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

The satirical novel, The Road to Wellville by T. C. Boyle, captures the madness cleverly. It was later brought to the screen by a cast

including Anthony Hopkins as Kellogg, Matthew Broderick and Bridget Fonda as patients, with Michael Lerner and John Cusack as hustlers trying

to wangle their way into the corn flake business. All of this seems transparently nutso in retrospect, yet it was all quite respectable, even Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

sought after, in its own day. Abolitionist Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) went there near the end of her life in the hope of capturing some of

that rejuvenation everyone was talking about.

The truth is that present-day shysters often steal Kellogg's material to great effect. In my four-decade career as an avid radio listener, I

have heard at least three different revivals of the toxins-in-the-bowels gospel. There was one fellow hawking a book about ten years ago who

sounded like he had lifted Kellogg's spiel word for word. Apparently, there are still enough lemmings out there and you can make money by

offering them lemming aid.Acrobat 9

Gore and Kennedy are drawing upon this treasure trove in the American historical memory. They are pressing the same buttons in our personas

and eliciting the same slack-jawed slavishness. The toxins are now in our gas tanks and project 2010

air-conditioning vents; the corrupted bowels extend

into the stratosphere. Apparently, they are full of, er... toxic waste. The solution is not the Sanitarium but the government. But the

technique remains the same: corny appeals, flaky ideas.

Oh, and what was done with the San building up in Battle Creek? It is now a Federal building.adobe Acrobat

Do the Wrong Thing<2>

2010-12-21 15:02


3. Without these bills to fundamentally change our current fiscal courses. The congressional budget office, and all other experts say that if this proposal Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

Become law, we will continue to cost path we have. Yes, the CBO said the Democrats plan will lower the cost of period Office 2007 makes life great!

The next decade, please. - $100 billion, only means they will be less than $100 billion to $35 trillion they will be how Microsoft word is so great!

Anyway! This is only a rounding tracking error for us already.

4. Nothing can stop here cannot afford health insurance rates increased. Recent supporters say the bill is methods to solve the problems Office 2010 is powerful!

Recent big individual health insurance rate increase we have been reading about media focus. BuMicrosoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

t there is little in the bill

Can reduce or control any such increases because so few do potential impact on medical expenses.

We often hear of saying, "let's get this right expansion, bill will force us to deal with cost too late." If we don't Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

Now have political courage to face difficult medical costs facing explosion deficit, how will the courage later? I Microsoft Office is so great!

Will suggest that increased 30 million more people to an unsustainable system has been expecting it will create a greater crisis and thereby force

Real reform is reboarding Titanic, hope it will sink quickly. It is also hard to see to do such a thing Microsoft outlook is many people’s favorite.

Politically courageous things to do. Just in the moral imperative in stamping trillion dollars right expanded to know

Completely will let us long-term deficits nightmare worse - for now even uninsured and others? Democrats health care Office 2010 key is for you now!

Bill do little if any systemic changes medical system - to not at the level we need. Democratic Party's medical bills

Make promise we cannot save. Democratic supporters healthcare bill says that it will make the Office 2010 download is available now!

health insurance affordable,

We improve our deficit outlook, make our health insurance system of sustainable development. These statements are even closer to reality and everyone

Who knows anything about this debate knows that. Heck foundation "good thing." Windows 7 make life wonderful!

That those of us who choose to more natural health routes? I have chosen not to interface with the traditional health system Office 2007 is so powerful.

In any way for more than 15 years luckily didn't need the effective methods, because I manage my health. I am not a Christian Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Scientists, but something really "spirit" [I prefer to call them "evolution" + "and"] reason the traditional route doesn't. will Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

I was forced to have health insurance or pay a heavy fines every year in this program?

Do the Wrong Thing<1>

2010-12-21 14:59


And the Democrats to make their final push to through their healthcare bill many of them, especially the President, think it Office 2010 is powerful!

Should pass, because it is "the right thing done poll." Office 2010 is powerful!

These people believe that powerful, is we'll never get the best legislation. If this is not who knows how long it will be before we have a big Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

Suggest a voting. There are millions of insurance, because cannot be reported the preexisting conditions or unable to pay Microsoft Office is my best friend.

Large premium and the bill will help them.

Any large health care bill will be full of political compromises - or not. But the bill, even not Office 2007 is so powerful.

worth closer

Called "health system reform".

But as an inevitable moral restraint, formulate the bill would fall way short:

1. It is unsustainable. Commitment is not to be preserved. The President has said many times, we Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

need to basic health care

System reform or promise we have governments - the medicare and medicaid rights, change Outlook 2010 is powerful.

bankrupt us. Some costs what Office 2007 download is helpful!

Contains element democratic seriously considering now exist or last watered down - will bill or a desperate significantly enhanced Office 2007 key is very convenient!

"Cadillac" tax benefits, the high cost of expenses of insurance of medical treatment of commission. Microsoft outlook is convenient!

2. This is to let him who has maximum benefit from the status quo. Many large special interest, will soon have change Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

Their way if we really want to improve the system, was completely pay off, for their support. Drug trade, hospital transactions, Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Promise not to put or change the doctors income, both make the situation more guarantee not to do so

Will systemic change everyone knows is necessary. outlook 2010 is powerful.

Punks of All Types<4>

2010-12-20 08:53


p>He is the perfect example of the "good guy" sports figure. br> -- David Smith br> Pearland, Texas

Re: Tom Bethell's Freedom of Immigration Acts : /p>

1. What is wrong with cheap labor? Teenagers used to get their introduction to the work world with after school and weekend jobs. The moral

training and introduction to the work ethic that goes along with those jobs has been lost because the jobs are being done by Mexicans.

2. The fact that workers are undocumented means that they work without protections (safety, abuse, civil rights, worker's comp, unemployment

insurance) which we, as a society, have declared that we should have in place. We have a two-tiered standard of law. Those who hire illegals

can break the other laws and those who don't hire illegals get busted when they violate the law. Meanwhile illegals die and are maimed in

unreported workplace accidents.

3. The conservative argument is: First enforce the border, then we can move on to the other issues. After we agree to another amnesty, we

will have no handle to convince big business liberals to enforce the law.

4. Criticizing a "welfare entitlement" attitude doesn't make it go away. It's still there and it still will cost money.

5. Kolbe's argument is that if we increase border security, we will cut the illegal immigration problem way down, probably to manageable

size. That is precisely the argument that Bethel attributes to conservatives, yet Kolbe is not a conservative.

6. The fact that France has a worse problem doesn't make our issues any better.

7. Mexico will probably move to a more capitalistic system. However they have had recent insurrections. They may have more. From our

perspective, things may get worse before they get better.

p>8. The two sides to this debate are really big business and non-big business. Bush, Pelosi, Kennedy, Cheney, and the other big money people

want cheap labor

Committing HarryCare<6>

2010-12-08 15:02


None of this is necessary to address our real health care problems. Only about 12 million Americans arguably can't afford health insurance.

We can just provide them with some government assistance to help them buy it, at little additional cost. We already spend around $400 billion

on Medicaid each year, with that slated to soar in future years. Give each state the authority to redesign its Medicaid program from the

ground up to provide a true safety net for the poor. Each state can include in that an uninsurable risk pool where those uninsured who become

too sick to get private insurance can get guaranteed coverage, paying what they can given their resources, with the government paying the

rest. Since few people actually become uninsurable, this would provide a complete safety net at little in added cost.

We can actually reduce costs by expanding rather than restricting Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), where consumers are covered by catastrophic

insurance with a high deductible, which costs far less than traditional low deductible coverage. The difference is saved in the HSA to pay

for expenses below the deductible, providing market incentives for patients to avoid overly expensive or unnecessary medical care, as they

can keep what they don't spend. With patients concerned about costs, doctors, hospitals and other health providers would have new incentives

to compete to reduce costs. Common sense solutions like allowing interstate sales of health insurance and tort reform would also reduce

health costs.

No rationing, no government takeover, no trillion dollar programs are necessary to address these problems. Quite the opposite. That reveals

that the health care debate is really about government and political power, not health care. Sucker.


2010-12-08 08:01

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